Do not workout if you have any of the issues

Do not Workout if you have these issues

Workout is necessary if you want to have fit body and mind or build muscles. But body building is no joke. If one does not gives any serious attention towards it and progress to do so might suffer from many consequences regarding overall health. Do not workout if you have any of the following issues.
before you start doing bodybuilding workout

(1) If you do not consume post workout meal.

There is nothing to shame if you cannot afford to have supplements and talking about supplement, those are exactly what the are named. If you consume enough food which has optimum macro-nutrients required by your body then Protein Supplement are just luxury to have. 
protein supplements
Protein Supplements
Protein Supplements are necessary only when your diet can not provide you with enough nutrients. Talking about the heading, You should definitely not proceed to workout if you can not have post workout meal. After your workout session your body requires protein to repair your muscle fibers. The itself manages to get from other muscles of the body if there is not enough protein consumption. The body breaks the muscle fibers for protein from the muscles which are not under constant usage. This might turn out injurious. So you should have something which is high in protein and less in carbs and fats as post workout meal.

(2) If you have incomplete protein diet.

You might know that only animal protein i.e. meat, fish, eggs, and milk are the only source of complete protein for humans. Amino acids are the constituent molecules of protein. Since our body cannot make some of these by its own we have to rely on other sources mentioned above. These amino acids are called essential amino acids. There are total 9 Essential amino acids which are Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Phenylalanine, Trytophan, Lysine, Arginine, Histidine, Methionine, Threonine. The only plant source which has complete amino acid profile is quinoa while others are incomplete.
Protein Sources
  Vegetarian foods like lentils, beans, grains might have high protein content but of no use since it is incomplete. You can make combinations of vegetarian foods to make the amino acid profile complete. Like if you consume beans or lentils with grains such wheat or rice it will be complete amino acid for you since beans and lentils have complementary amino acids for grains. 
Combinations such Rice with lentils or beans, Wheat with lentils or beans, Peanut butter with bread and many more combinations can be made for our vegetarian people. 

(3) If you have any medical problems.

Pain During Exercise
When you have any single medical problems, you should consult your doctor before proceeding to perform any kind of exercise. Further exercise might worsen your condition. After exercise your immune system is involved for repairing your body. Since you have medical conditions this is something I do not encourage you to continue. Conditions such recent trauma, surgery, cardiac problems, spine problems such as Scoliosis or any other medical conditions. If a particular exercise is prescribed by your physician to overcome the particular condition then you should definitely opt for do the particular exercise and not the other.
