Keto Diet and The list of Foods | What is Ketogenic Diet and how to benefit.

Keto Diet and The List of Foods.

What is Keto Diet?

Here is a quick overview on what Keto Diet is. So basically every Animal on Earth uses carbohydrates to produce energy for the cell and ultimately the organism. Carbohydrates being most preferred source of Energy production does not necessarily means it is the only source. In fact Protein provides equal amount of energy when consumed in equal amount i.e. 4 Cal of Energy per Gram of Protein which is equal to carbohydrates. 
keto diet food list
There is one more source of energy production which body often tends to store and barely use in many cases which can cause some serious problem if not utilized and that energy source is Fat. The keto diet focuses mainly on switching the method of energy production in the body with burning fat. In this article we will discuss on how keto diet can be beneficial for weight loss and the list of foods, all in this article so read till end for more Information.

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How to Benefit from Keto Diet.

Keto diet can benefit a lot for the people who are trying to loose some weight. Keto diet basically tries to replace the energy production from carbohydrates to fat which in turn makes use of Fat stored in the body along with Fat consumed in the meals. Keto diet does not involves any particular routine like intermittent fasting does. Instead the Carbs in every meal are reduced to very minimum to negligible amount. Before becoming popular as ketogenic diet it was popular by the name of Strict Low Carbs diet.
keto diet food list
Warning for all the skinny and slim people who are trying to put on some weights or build muscles, this diet is not the ideal one and you should check our other articles if that is the case. Here are the links to these articles and be sure to check them out. 
  1. How to Gain Weight | Healthy Meals for Weight Gaining 2020.
  2. Bulking Diet Plan | Diet plan for gaining | High Protein 2020.
  3. Ultimate High Protein Vegetarian Diet Plan | High Protein Vegetarian food. 

List of Foods for Keto Diet.

The foods for Keto diet are basically anything which contains Good Amount of Healthy Fats, Sufficient amount of Protein and Low to Negligible amount of Carbohydrates. This was the generalized idea on what food in the list of keto diet should have. Remember that when switch to fats from carbs the quantity of food consumed in weight should be less than half as fats are more energy dense than carbohydrates. For e.g. If you use to consume a meal in which the carbs would calculate to 50g then the you will be replacing should have fats instead of carbs around 20-25g at most.
keto diet food list

Most of the people don't have the luxury of calculating macros of every meal and get them prepared but you can consume other foods mentioned in the following list as something to complete your Macros.

List of Foods for Keto Diet
  1. Peanut Butter(Natural Unsweetened) : Many will say that Peanut Butter has significant amount of carbs in it which is true but on the same time, it is high in Healthy Fats and Protein as Well. You can consider consuming it as a quick snack to balance your macros. It is suggested that you consume it without adding or applying it to anything else.
  2. Avocado : No keto diet food list will be completed without mentioning this amazing fruit. Avocado is a good source of healthy fats.
  3. Nuts : Nuts are also a great of source of healthy fats. In fact peanuts are included in this. Remember that I am talking about nuts such as Almonds, Cashew, Walnuts, Peanuts and etc and not dry fruits such as Raisins.
  4. Eggs : Whole egg or just the whites, both can be consumed in Keto diet as egg has very less to negligible amount of Carbs in it. Also Egg has complete amino acid profile and no other vegetarian food has equivalent amount of nutrients. In fact you should consider adding egg in your diet. No more than 2 Whole Eggs should be consumed as it might raise the cholesterol levels.
  5. Meat : Lean meat is best suggested as it has very low saturated fats and Carbs. Avoid eating meat which has high amount of saturated fats such as Chicken Legs, Wings, Bacon and etc.
  6. Vegetable : Almost all vegetables have Fibers(very important), low amount of fats and very less amount of carbs. For e.g. Green Beans, Broccoli, Carrots, Tomato and etc. Also Vegetables have good amount of essential micro nutrients i.e. Vitamins and Minerals.

What not to Eat in Keto Diet.

The above was the list of Foods one can consume in keto diet now here is the list of foods one should not consume in keto diet. I will not be going trough each of them but you will get an idea on what not to consume.
keto diet food list

Sugar, Beans (Kidney beans), Legumes (Moth), Lentils (Daal), Grains (Wheat, Rice, Oats & etc), Processed foods such Burger, Pizza, Chips, Soda, Biscuits and etc. So these we some popular food items to avoid in keto diet.

Thank you for reading this article till the end. Please do visit our other articles as well for more stuff like these.
