Food Items list for Healthy Weight Gain.
When it comes to weight gain or bulking, many people think that consuming any food in a bit larger quantity than before will cause weight gain which is true to some extent but there are drawbacks of consume any food in that manner. In this article we will be discussing about the healthy ways to put on some weight / bulk along with the list of food items to consume. The list won't include every food item but it will be sufficient for you and will give an idea on what to consume. Read the article till the end.
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How to select the right food for Weight Gain / Bulking.
Most of us have the misconception that, eating any kind of high calorie food irrespective of ingredients and the cooking method will cause weight gain which is not completely true. See, there is a big difference between consuming for just weight gain and consuming food for healthy weight gain.
Fast foods such as Burger, Fries, Pizza and doughnut are definitely high in calories and will cause weight gain but it is not the healthiest way since these food items will cause saturated fats and carbs to get stored instead of protein being stored in the muscles. Also such kind of weight gain is responsible for various kinds of diseases.
One thing is for sure that, unless you perform proper exercise / workout your body won't store protein no matter how much you consume it. The protein will only be used for replenishing the cells and other functions of the body.
So the most important thing while selecting food items for weight gain, make sure the following.
- The Food item should contain sufficient amount of Protein i.e. Min 10-15g per 100g of the food item. No issue if the amount is more than that.
- Sugar should not contribute to the majority amount of carbs of the food item.
- The Amount of saturated fats should be low to negligible.
Food items.
Since it is not possible to include all the food items which are good choice but here are few of these that we like to mention.
- Whole Wheat Bread : Instead of consuming white bread try brown or whole wheat bread for more health benefits.
- Peanut Butter : Peanut butter is an amazing food item for people who are trying to put on some weight. Peanut butter has good amount of Protein along with High amount of Healthy Fats.
- Whole Eggs : Egg whites might be healthy for lean gaining but consuming whole egg is also great if one is on bulking or gaining diet. It is not recommend to consume more than 2 whole eggs.
- Fruits : Fruits are best source of some of the vitamins and minerals which most of the other food items can not provide. Generally fruits contain a kind of sugar Fructose which is of course natural but it is not as unhealthy as the refined sugar.
- Nuts : Actually peanut butter should be included in this rather than having its own place in the list but, let it be. So if one is allergic to peanut then they can definitely go for Cashew or Almonds as both are nutritionally have same values.
- Fish : Fish meat is a bit different than other kinds of meat as it has more amount of healthy fats than Lean meat. Actually Protein in fish is more easily digested than any other meat.
- Homemade Mass Gainer : So this one is the best on the list. So buying mass gainer supplement is straight wastage of money for some reasons but buying protein supplement is not in any way. Preparing your own mass gainer shake is way more cost effective and one should try it.
Here is the link for 10+ Tasty Protein Shake Recipe that you should check out which basically includes mass gainer recipes in then.
Thank you for reading this article till the end. Please do visit our other articles as well.
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