Benefits of eating yogurt or curd | Healthy food 2020

Benefits of eating yogurt or curd.

Yogurt or curd is one of the products made from milk. Generally we see yogurt being made from cow's or buffalo's milk but there are yogurt/curd made out of milk from different animal such as goat, camel and etc. Generally we consume yogurt/curd made from the milk of cattle. In this article we will discuss the benefit of consuming yogurt or curd.
yogurt nutritional value
Yogurt Nutriton fact

Yogurt is one of the oldest food item to mankind. It is estimated that yogurt became a part of Human diet near 5000 BC ago. Now Various kinds of yogurts are available in the market such as Greek Yogurt, Flavored Greek Yogurt, Probiotic Yogurt and etc. We are not here to discuss the flavors and varieties of this food but the benefit of the yogurt which is commonly available everywhere.

Benefit 1.

Yogurt is mostly made up of water about 80% and Rest are Protein, Fats and Carbs which are 10%, 5% and 4% respectively. As yogurt is mostly made up of water and the protein content is higher than that of fats and carbs, the total calories become less. About 97 cal are present in 100g of Yogurt. If you are trying to lose some weight then you could have yogurt added in your diet.
benefits of yogurt

Benefit 2.

Yogurt being a fermented food, its digestibility is easier than milk. People who have lactose intolerance can have lactose free yogurt in a while although lactose free milk is also available in the market, we suggest yogurt due its other properties. 
lactose free yogurt

Yogurt has many probiotic bacteria which help in maintaining digestive system by breaking down the complex food molecules into simpler and absorb able molecules in the gut . 

Benefit 3.

Apart from the above benefits, yogurt being a milk product good amount of essential micro nutrients in it. 100g of yogurt has good amount of minerals and vitamins such as Phosphorus, Calcium, Selenium and Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12 and etc.

Things to take note of.

Yogurt being miraculous foods can become harmful if consumed in the wrong way. Yogurt is food product which have active bacteria in it which are responsible for the formation curd in the first place do not like combination with every food items. 
sugar free

We often see that some people are so obsessed with yogurt, they consume it in every meal they have which might not be good. Having yogurt at night might not be a good idea, it could cause cough, mucus production and other complications and having it in early morning might make you susceptible to catch cold. 

Often mistake combination with yogurt should be avoided to prevent any digestive issues. Combination of yogurt with refined sugar should be swapped with jaggery to avail the benefits, Yogurt should not be cooked in any circumstances. Eating yogurt alone will be more beneficial than consuming it with other healthy food items. 

So you might have got an idea about how to consume the superfood yogurt in the right way.

That is it for this article guys.
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