Foods High in Vitamin C and its benefits.
Vitamin C also known as Ascorbic Acid an essential micro nutrient that our body can needs and cannot synthesize by itself.The RDA of Vitamin C in an adult is 60mg/d. Vitamin C is found in various Fruits and vegetables. Deficiency of Vitamin C can lead to severe health complications. In this article we will discuss the food items in which Vitamin C is present in sufficient amount and its benefits along with the conditions it could lead if the intake of vitamin C is deficient. Read the article till the end in order to know more about the Vitamin C and its benefits.
Why Vitamin C is necessary?
Vitamin C is also scientifically known as Ascorbic Acid. Its is an essential micro nutrient that our body can not synthesize and needs to be taken in sufficient amount in order for various activities to occur in the body. An average adult needs at least 60mg of Vitamin C everyday, more than this amount will cause no harm to the body to most of us.
Vitamin C is necessary and one of the key ingredient required for synthesis of various things in the body such as Collagen, Catecholamine, Nitric Oxide and the Biosynthesis of Carnitine. Collagen is necessary for tissue repair in various parts of the body, Catecholamines are the hormones secreted by adrenal glands such as Dopamine, epinephrine and etc. Carnitine is a great compound for the people who trying to lose weight. Carnitine helps to produce energy form the long chian fatty acids by transporting it to mitochondria for oxidation.
Now You have got some idea about how important Vitamin C is for our body. If it is deficient in the body many complications such as bleeding gums, scurvy and other problems might arise. All these problems become very serious and need to be taken a note to prevent.
Foods High in Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is mostly present in fruits and vegetables rather than meat, dairy or other food products in fact meat is considered to be completely deficient in Vitamin C along with Vitamin A.- Fruits such as Kiwi, Grapefruit, Mango, Strawberry, Banana, Pineapple and the one whom you might have guessed which is Citrus Fruit such as Oranges.
- Vegetables such as Broccoli, Lemon, Potato, Tomato, Cauliflower and etc are good sources of Vitamin C
Benefits of Vitamin C.
Vitamin C itself is an antioxidant but the foods are also high in other antioxidants which are very helpful for overall body. Vitamin C is helpful in synthesis of Collagen which is the most abundant protein in the human body. Vitamin C is also very helpful in warding off free radicals and protect cells. Free radicals are also responsible for cancer in some cases.Apart from all this Vitamin C is necessary for immune system also and for the prevention from conditions such as Scurvy.
In short you can not oversee Vitamin C and need to take a note on it if you want to live a healthy life.
That is it for this article guys.
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