Are Eggs Really healhty | Superfood Myths Vs Facts

Should you Consider Egg as Superfood | Superfood Myths vs Facts.

Eggs are no doubt one of highly nutritious food one can consume. Eggs are Good Source of Complete Protein i.e. All 9 Essential Amino Acids are present, Contains Good Amount of Healthy Fats, Essential Vitamins and Minerals. Eggs are no doubt very healthy food and a better source of complete protein apart from Milk and Meat as less amount of Green House Gases are produced and No need for animal cruelty which makes eggs a protein source which not damaging to environment yet healthy. Despite of all the good reputation there are some myths around the society which ruins the overall reputation of one of the best protein sources. In this article we will be discussing more on Eggs as a Superfood and Myths and Facts related to it. So please read the article till the end.
eggs nutritional facts 100g

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Eggs Nutritional Value (Approx).

The Nutritional value of a Single whole Egg is not very dense Unlike Chicken or Other Protein Sources such as Meat, Soy Chunk, Beans, Legumes and Etc. But Eggs white are considered to be lean protein source like chicken breast with low to negligible amount of Fats and Carbs. The quality of Protein that Eggs Provide is way superior than any vegetarian food sources.
eggs nutritional facts

Egg Yolk is also said to be High in Saturated Fats and Cholesterol which is often considered good for healthy by many and sometimes not by most. We suggest you that you should not consume egg yolk if you easily gain weight or afraid of cholesterol for safer side. Egg whites are totally free of cholesterol and Fats.

Myths and Facts Related to Eggs.


  • Eating Eggs can cause Acne : This is not completely true, There are various factors that causes acne such as Lifestyle, Hygiene, Food Habits, Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption and etc. Eggs Yolks might cause acne to some people as it raises fat levels in the body which in turn lead to acne. If one consumers way more protein than needed, there are chances for acne to occur.
  • Eggs Yolks are completely Fat : Egg Yolk might contribute to the majority of the fat content of an egg but it is not true that it is completely made up of fats. In the yolk of a large egg there is 2.6g of Protein also.
  • Eating a lot of eggs is harmful for the body : This fact is true until one consumes entire egg. Eating a lot of whole eggs will produce heat in the body as fat releases more energy when compared to Protein and Fats. But on the other hand egg white will not produce much heat in the body even if consumed in large number. Here is our suggestion, Unless you are professional Athlete, you should not consume more than 6-8 Eggs whites in a single meal.


  • Eggs are good source of Selenium, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A and Vitamin D.
  • Egg white of a Single Large Egg Contains only 3.3 grams of Protein and Not 6 grams
  • Eggs whites are lean protein source.
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